ABOUT ACAO Strategic Functions

The Organization shall perform all the tasks necessary to carry out its goals and objectives, in particular:

  1. Conduct research and prepare studies, as appropriate, on the economic, regulatory, legal, and technical and security aspects of aviation amongst Member States.

  2. Coordinate the position of Member States on matters of mutual and common interest in the field of civil aviation.

  3. Encourage and support the integration of Arab air transport institutions.

  4. Encourage and support the aviation industry in general and promote its use in Member States.

  5. Monitor changes, including technical changes, in civil aviation and assess the requirements of Member States to respond to important challenges.

  6. Encourage legislation and procedures coordination and harmonization in member countries and work towards unifying these legislations and procedures.

  7. Encourage the implementation of standards and recommended practices of the Annexes to the International Civil Aviation Convention.

  8. Strengthen arrangements among Member States as far as it contributes to the implementation of ICAO regional plans on air navigation equipments and services.

  9. Facilitate the exchange of information on aviation safety and the promotion of security awareness among Member States.

  10. Coordinate training and training programs and encourage the implementation of programs to develop training institutes and their capacity to address the current and future needs of civil aviation professionals.