ABOUT ACAO Mission & Vision


Ensure safe and secure Arab civil aviation that achieves sustainable development, protects the environment and is accessible to different segments of the Arab societies.


  • The organization acts as a regional civil aviation forum.

  • Study and analyze current issues affecting aviation safety and security.

  • Ensure coordination between Arab countries to provide assistance and support in the field of civil aviation.

  • Coordinating the implementation of technical training in the field of civil aviation at the headquarters of the organization or in cooperation with Arab countries through their training centers.

Constituents dealing with the Organization:

International Civil Aviation Organization.

Arab Air Transport Association.

African Civil Aviation Commission.

Latin American Civil Aviation Commission.

European Civil Aviation Conference.

Queen Noor College of Civil Aviation, Jordan.

Qatar Aviation Science College.

Singapore Aviation Academy.


International Air Transport Association

Alcatel Company.

Airport Council International.


National Airport Authority - Mohammed VI Aviation Academy

Arab Standing Committee for Meteorology.

Arab Organization for an earth monitoring satellite system (Arab Sat)

Civil Aviation Authorities of Friendly States.

Special relationship between ACAO and ICAO:

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a specialized United Nations organization that plays a leading role in civil aviation. Its decisions and recommendations constitute the general guidance for all Contracting States as well as regional organizations and bodies specialized in the field of civil aviation. ACAO has a strong relationship with ICAO, whereby the Organization adopts and follows up the implementation of the International Organization´s Standards and Recommended Practices. The culmination of this relationship was the signature of a cooperation agreement between ACAO and ICAO in 1999.

The organization strives to comply with all ICAO decisions, which enhanced its credibility and role in the international aviation industry forums. The organization contributes effectively to all the meetings and conferences organized by ICAO. Its impressive efforts have turned ACAO into a strong contributor in drafting the resolutions adopted during those meetings where the Arab Group introduced a specific proposal or demand.

Cooperation with the Arab League:

The Organization shall abide by the decisions of Council of Arab Ministers of Transport according to the Agreement on its Establishment .It shall submit a periodic report on its activities. It is also committed to the decisions of the Economic and Social Council, and provides periodic memoranda during its meetings, as well as the Committee of organizations for coordination and follow-up purposes, and the High Coordination Committee for joint Arab action. The organization also attends the meetings of the Council of the League and the Summit by invitation of the General Secretariat of the League. It coordinates its work with the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States and other organizations. In this context, the ACAC is committed to presenting its draft plans, programs and budget to the Organization´s Committee for coordination and follow-up and to the Economic and Social Council in view of its approval.

The Organization´s contribution to promoting the integration of air transport institutions (cooperation with the Arab Air Carriers Organization):

One of the most important concerns of the Organization since its establishment is to create the right framework for assisting airlines consolidate their forces, coordinate their positions and unify their plans and programs, hoping to achieve integration in the various components of the Arab civil aviation sector. Thus, the organization worked to strengthen cooperation with the Arab Air Carriers Organization through the establishment of a unified Arab air transport policy and its restructuring, easing restrictions on air freedoms, intensifying flights between Arab countries and encouraging Arab carriers to cooperate in the areas of spare parts exchange, aircraft maintenance, computer reservation systems, code sharing and marketing alliances. Other steps have been taken as a platform for cooperation and integration in the development of air corridors in the Arab airspace, cooperation in search and rescue, improvement of air navigation services towards the implementation of the air navigation system through satellite and the expansion of cooperation to include safety services as well as the harmonization of civil aviation regulations and laws in the Arab States.