Issue 55 of “Arab Aviation” magazine is published

Date : 11:05 / 25-07-2024

Recently, Issue No. 55 of "Arab Aviation" magazine, issued by the Arab Civil Aviation Organization every three months, was published, it proposes to readers a set of current topics, with significant space allocated to the most important milestones that the civil aviation sector experienced during the second quarter of the year. 2024.


Engineer Abdennebi Manar stated in the editorial that the capacity offered by airlines for the summer of this year in terms of seats increased by 6% compared to the year 2023, after achieving an increase of 8.5% during the first quarter of this year, and that the capacity allocated to transport Goods also increased by 18.6% compared to the year 2023, after achieving an increase of 21.5% during the first quarter of this year), and the rise in the load factor indicates that air transport traffic will exceed what it was before the pandemic, due to the increase Travel demand.


Manar added that the medium and long-term expectations issued by aircraft manufacturers have prompted air carriers to strengthen their aircraft fleets and begin leasing and acquiring new aircraft, as the number of leased aircraft reached about 60% at the end of 2023 after it had not exceeded 10% in the seventies, according to the International air transport Association. However, with the recovery of air transport activity, challenges emerged related to the problems that the supply chain continues to suffer from since the Covid pandemic, which caused a shortage in the spare parts sector and subjected some aircraft manufacturers to additional measures to ensure the safety and quality of production. At a time when aircraft orders are increasing,These factors have led to a delay in the delivery of new aircraft starting this year, which will prompt air carriers to reduce flights and the possibility of using old aircraft for a longer period, with a possible increase in the cost and prices of airline tickets. This is in addition to the increasing restrictions imposed by airports on aircraft movement due to insufficient capacity or due to the noise resulting from this movement.


Manar stressed that the air transport industry may be harmed by this situation for a period that we hope will not be long, but in such circumstances, we must remain careful about the priorities of its sustainability, including safety.
In an article entitled: “Digitization on the Path to Aviation Sustainability,” Captain Gilan Yasser pointed out that digitization and sustainability are among the most common topics of discussion in the field of aviation. With the development of technology in recent years, airlines have had to adapt to digital transformation. While digital transformation affects all operations, its impact on environmental sustainability is beginning to be noticed. The two processes, which must be carried out together, must be resolved by examining the effects of digitalization on environmental sustainability, both positive and negative, without creating additional costs for companies and without facing greater consequences later.


In line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, a roadmap of global goals has been prepared around the world. Due to carbon emissions resulting from the aviation industry, environmental sustainability efforts have gained greater importance.

Captain Ahmed Shadi wrote the second part of the article: “Applications of Drones in Civil Activities,” in which he highlighted the environmental challenges resulting from the use of drones, their impact on wildlife, and recommendations for civil aviation authorities.
Dr. Attiya bin Saeed Al-Zahrani wrote an article entitled: “Wearing a seat belt during a flight protects you from the pain of turbulence,” in which he provided an extensive explanation of turbulence and its relationship to climate change.


Within Issue No. 55, you will also find an article by Professor Ahmed bin Jalawi Al-Anazi on: “How to achieve the desired media ambition in the aviation sector,” in which he touched on the strategies that can be followed to achieve effective aviation media.
The new issue also included reports, articles, and the course program for the coming months of 2024.

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